Knick Knack

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Knick Knack
Tradition Fieldtown
Hands stick
Set size 8
Tune Davey Davey Knick Knack
Musical sequence Need sequence


  • Foot up
  • Half hands
  • Back-to-back
  • Rounds (four-person rounds)
    • 2 double steps mostly all the way around,
    • hopbacks to original place,
    • hard turn and double steps back the other way,
    • hopbacks to original place.


  • Hit butt of stick on floor, clash forehand in arches along lines (1&5, 3&7, 2&6, 4&8).
  • Forehand with partner, forehand with neightbor, forehand in arches.
  • (repeat the above two more times for a total of three)
  • All galley right.

In order for this to work, 1&5, 4&8 shift slightly out of the set and 2&6, 3&7 shift slightly into the set for the arch clashes. So 1&5 are clashing behind 3, etc.

In Zoom

Choose "arch" direction (upper, either left or right), so that people appear to be making an arch with the person in the next square. arch is that corner, partner is upper middle, neighbor is the other upper corner (not the arch corner).

Chorus is:

  • clash down, clash arches
  • clash partner, clash neightbor, clash arches.
  • (repeat the above two more times for a total of three)
  • All galley right.

Standard zoomington figures (mirroring half the set as usual if desired).

End with zoomington hey, ending with four plain capers and pointing to arch direction (not to camera)



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